Goals word on wooden cubes. New year goals, plan, action, strategy, resolutions, business

How Are You Defining Patient Copay Program Optimization?

What is your definition of copay program optimization?

Many potential clients ask us how we define copay program optimization. We don’t actually define copay program optimization… our customers define it for us. The copay program should support the brand and program objectives and not the other way around. 

This involves optimizing key program elements:

  1. Program structure – (annual, use, or combo cap?)
  2. Offer wording – (too complicated?)
  3. Offer type – (PALA, PNMT, Save, % off, Rebate)
  4. Correct cap amount – (what is your price inflection number?)
  5. Patient eligibility – (Commercial, Insured Not Covered, Govt, Cash Payer)
  6. Delivery vehicles – (web, cards, e-prescribe and many more)
  7. Program business rules – (max payout etc.)
  8. Brand and Program Goals – (GTN, net margin, sales, trial, available budget etc.)  

Errors, oversights, or non-alignment with your brand goals can easily cost you millions in overspend and/or lost patient trial and adherence. Examining and optimizing all of these key items are necessary in order to fully optimize your program.

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Our team is comprised of marketing, sales and analytical professionals with deep background in strategy, predictive modeling, and post event tracking and analysis for sales and marketing programs.  A member of our team will reach out to you soon to discuss your needs.

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